Sightseeing in Ballantyne | Ballantyne Monuments and Statues
Take a fun day trip to visit some of the monuments and statues of Ballantyne! Great for families looking to walk around and gather some fresh air, you can learn some local history from the Ballantyne Monuments or just take a nap with the bronze bulls in Ballantyne Corporate Park.
The Ballantyne Monuments
A stone's throw away from Ballantyne Corporate Park, at the intersection of the Ballantyne Commons Parkway and Johnston Road, four great archways dot each corner of the intersection. The landmarks were first dedicated in 1995, after sculptor Boris Tomic had spent three years at a brick factory crafting the monuments. Each arch is made of sandstone brick and has images carved into the stone honoring different aspects of Charlotte history: transportation, technology, finance and human spirit.


Human spirit


The Bulls of Ballantyne | Ballantyne Statues

Inside Ballantyne Corporate Park, you will find three massive bulls sleeping on a small patch of lawn. Painted black, the sculptures each weigh around 2000 pounds and were created by artist Peter Woytuk. Installed in 2005, they represented the bullish feeling that permeated not only the young neighborhood, but the city of Charlotte and nation as a whole. While there have been some up and downs since then, Charlotte as a whole has continued to grow at a meteoric pace and Ballantyne along with greater South Charlotte have led the drive.
The bulls are open fully to the public, though they are a bit of a hidden landmark. Anybody can walk up and touch or even sit on them. Along with the set of swings nearby, this makes the attraction a favorite among families.

Ballantyne Reimagined | Monuments to the Future
As a community and neighborhood, Ballantyne is only about 20 years old. Growth and development are still a part of its story and Ballantyne Reimagined is the newest chapter. A decades long plan to redevelop the golf courses into a bustling new town center, the plan includes new public landmarks such as a massive outdoor amphitheater. Ballantyne is growing, and new sights are being built every day.