Is Ballantyne NC safe?
Ballantyne is one of the safest neighborhoods in Charlotte. With crime rates below state and national averages, it is a favorite neighborhood for young families.

Ballantyne is a Charlotte neighborhood on the edge of the North and South Carolina border. Crime rates are below the national average not only making the area safe, it is one of the safest in Charlotte. High safety helps attract a population of young professionals looking to put down roots and gives the neighborhood a quiet family oriented quality. One of the best parts of the city for a young couple or family to settle down the neighborhood hosts several schools along with great restaurants and shops, making Ballantyne an ideal home.
Ballantyne NC Crime Rate
Many young couples move to Ballantyne looking for the safety and stability of suburban Charlotte to start a family together. And no wonder, with property and violent crime rates well below the Charlotte/Mecklenburg average, Ballantyne is one of the safest neighborhoods in the county. Zooming further out and looking at state and national averages, Ballantyne still places below both in the crime tables, making the small suburban neighborhood one of the safest places in the United States. Even looking in absolute terms, with only 17 violent crimes and 275 property crimes over the course of a year, Ballantyne proves itself a safe neighborhood.
Crime Data (2021)
Violent and Property Crime Rate (per 1000 residents)

Violent and Property Crime Totals

Schools in Ballantyne
Test results show that Ballantyne students perform well above the county average in elementary, middle and high school. In 2019, about 73% of students were proficient in End of Grade testing across all three levels, as compared to county averages of around 46% in Mecklenburg County.
Ballantyne has four different elementary schools scattered throughout the neighborhood, however options become more slim for middle and high school. Steps are being taken to improve this, with the construction of a new high school near Ballantyne East, set to open in 2024.
Food and Fun in Ballantyne
Ballantyne doesn't host a raucous nightlife like Uptown, but that doesn't mean the neighborhood lacks for fun. Built around the greenery of Ballantyne Corporate Park, the area offers plenty for the outdoors loving resident. For those who enjoy more urban amenities like restaurants and shops, Ballantyne Village offers several great options for a night out.